San Francisco

Transamerica Pyramid

2023, digital art (Adobe) / image size: 5846 x 8268 px / vector graphics technology in 500 dpi resolution

The Oakland Bay Bridge in San Francisco CK

2023, digital art (Adobe) / image size: 5846x4134 px / vector graphics technology in 500 dpi resolution

San Francisco Landmarks 4

2023, digital art (Adobe) / image size: 7000 x 4250 px / vector graphics technology in 500 dpi resolution

San Francisco Landmarks

2023, digital art (Adobe) / image size: 7000 x 4250 px / vector graphics technology in 500 dpi resolution

The Golden View

2024, digital art (Adobe)/ image size: 4130x 5845 px/ vector art, 500 dpi